Allergy Testing In Dwarka, Delhi

Are you experiencing allergic reactions to substances like dust, pollen, or pet dander? Allergy testing is the key to identifying specific allergens triggering these reactions. At Ayushman Diagnostic and Imaging Centre in Dwarka, we offer comprehensive and affordable allergy testing services, empowering you to proactively manage your allergies. Let’s delve into the details of allergy testing and why it’s essential.

Contact us at 1800-103-8868 / 8800310485 to inquire about the price of allergy testing in Dwarka, Delhi.

What Is Allergy Testing?

An allergy test is conducted by a trained allergy specialist to determine whether an allergic reaction to a known substance is exhibited by your body. The examination can take the form of either a blood test or a skin test, including prick or patch methods.

Your body’s natural defense mechanism, the immune system, is engaged in allergies when an exaggerated reaction occurs to substances in the environment. For instance, an overreaction by the immune system to typically harmless elements like pollen can result in symptoms such as a runny nose, sneezing, blocked sinuses, itchy and watery eyes, as well as coughing or wheezing.

Why Allergy Test Done?

The execution of allergy tests serves the purpose of providing information that aids your doctor in formulating an allergy treatment plan. This plan may encompass strategies such as allergen avoidance, prescription medications, or allergy shots (immunotherapy).

Commonly employed to diagnose various allergic conditions, allergy skin tests prove valuable in identifying:

  • Hay fever (allergic rhinitis)
  • Allergic asthma
  • Dermatitis (eczema)
  • Food allergies
  • Penicillin allergy
  • Bee venom allergy

Typically considered safe for individuals of all ages, including infants, skin tests are not recommended under certain circumstances. Your doctor may advise against skin testing if:

  1. You have a history of severe allergic reactions, where even minute amounts of substances used in skin tests could induce a life-threatening reaction (anaphylaxis).
  2. You are taking medications that could interfere with test results, such as antihistamines, certain antidepressants, or specific heartburn medications. In such cases, your doctor may recommend continuing these medications rather than temporarily discontinuing them for test preparation.
  3. You have certain skin conditions, such as severe eczema or psoriasis covering significant areas on your arms and back—the usual testing sites. In these instances, there may not be enough clear, uninvolved skin for an effective test. Other conditions like dermatographism can also yield unreliable test results.

For individuals who cannot undergo skin tests, or when they are not suitable, blood tests (in vitro immunoglobulin E antibody tests) offer an alternative. However, it’s important to note that blood tests are not utilized for diagnosing penicillin allergy.

In general, allergy skin tests demonstrate reliability in diagnosing allergies related to airborne substances like pollen, pet dander, and dust mites. While skin testing may aid in diagnosing food allergies, the complexity of such allergies may necessitate additional tests or procedures for comprehensive evaluation.

What Are The Types Of Allergy Tests

Various methods are employed to conduct allergy tests, and your healthcare provider will choose the most suitable approach based on your symptoms and suspected allergens. These tests include:

Skin Prick Test: In this test, your provider uses a thin needle to prick the skin on your forearm or back with potential allergens or places droplets of allergens on your skin, scratching the area lightly. Reactions, such as redness, typically occur within 15 minutes, revealing symptoms like rashes or raised, round spots known as wheals. This test assesses airborne allergies, food allergies, and penicillin allergies.

Intradermal Skin Test: If skin prick test results are negative or inconclusive, you may undergo an intradermal skin test. Small amounts of the allergen are injected into the outer layer of your skin (epidermis). This test checks for allergies to airborne irritants, medications, and insect stings.

Patch Test: Conducted to determine the cause of contact dermatitis, this test involves placing drops of an allergen onto the skin on your arm and covering the area with a bandage. Alternatively, your provider may apply a patch containing the allergen. After 48 to 96 hours, the bandage is removed, and your provider checks your skin for a rash or other reactions.

Blood (IgE) Test: In this test, a sample of your blood is sent to a lab, where allergens are added to the sample, and IgE antibody levels are measured. While blood tests can provide valuable information, they may have a higher rate of false-positive results.

Challenge Tests: This test, performed under a provider’s direct supervision, involves individuals with suspected food or drug allergies ingesting a small amount of an allergen. Typically conducted by an allergist, this test requires medical supervision to quickly administer an epinephrine injection in the event of an anaphylactic reaction.

How Do I Know If I Need An Allergy Test?

Wondering if you require an allergy test? If you exhibit allergic reactions to airborne allergens such as dust, pollen, or pet dander, you might be experiencing allergic rhinitis, commonly known as hay fever. This allergic response can manifest with symptoms including headaches, itchy,  watery eyes, nasal congestion, sneezing, shortness of breath, chronic cough or sore throat.

Meanwhile, individuals allergic to substances like latex, fragrances, or metals such as nickel may develop contact dermatitis, an allergic reaction affecting the skin. Symptoms may include a burning sensation on the skin, blisters, hives, swelling, skin rash, or itchy skin. To diagnose these types of reactions, a dermatologist typically conducts a patch test.

Final Note

Thinking about getting an allergy test? Well, Ayushman Diagnostic and Imaging Centre has got you covered! We offer the best and most pocket-friendly allergy testing in Dwarka, Delhi. Go ahead and book our Comprehensive Allergy Panel for a thorough check. Our goal is to provide top-notch diagnostic services, ensuring accurate results for better health decisions. With us, you can get an affordable allergy test in Dwarka, giving you the insights you need to take care of yourself.

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