All you need to know about the CBC blood test

Image for CBC Blood Test

What is a CBC blood test? A CBC, or complete blood count, is one of the oldest and most common medical tests that a doctor may recommend to monitor a patient’s health. If you have been feeling unwell for the past few days or are suffering from a disease, a senior doctor will recommend you for a CBC blood test also, in cancer care treatment.

This CBC blood test could be useful to diagnose cancer or monitor how cancer treatment is going on and affecting a human body from any other disease. For example, people going for chemotherapy often receive regular CBC tests. In this short blog, we are going to cover all the major points and benefits of a CBC blood test. Let’s take a brief look at the points below:

What are the advantages of a CBC blood test?

CBC tests are crucial for all the patients, and several patients have a little bit of doubt about the CBC blood tests. But below are some points that easily clear all the doubts related to CBC blood tests, and as per medical experts, CBC blood tests are crucial for our health. The definition of CBC tests:

  • Count white blood cells in the human body.
  • The maximum number of red blood cells to check the platelet count
  • The number of platelets in the human body at the time of disease
  • What is the procedure for a CBC test?

What is the procedure for a CBC test?

We all have a little bit of doubt before examining this CBC test, and we ask ourselves or medical experts about the procedure of the CBC tests because sometimes a test procedure will become the biggest question for us. A CBC test requires a venepuncture, in which a pathology technician draws blood from the upper arm. After sample collection is complete, the sample will be sent to a pathology lab, where all senior experts will test the blood sample.

However, there is no need to make any special preparations for a CBC test or take any appointments for the test. Anyone can visit the Ayushman Diagnostic and Imaging Centre for a CBC test and check their platelet count. If you are suffering from any serious disease or infection, then our path lab experts will collect a home sample. At our path lab, we provide all services according to the patient’s health condition. Also, you will collect your test reports in a few hours.

Final Note

We all know that the medical experts are well aware of the patient’s health conditions, and they will refer for CBC tests and other medical tests. The CBC test is one of the most crucial tests because a patient’s health condition and their blood cells can be easily detected. Do not worry about the CBC test; at Ayushman Diagnostic and Imaging Centre, our path lab experts will provide a smooth and patient-satisfying treatment at an affordable rate. For more information, please visit our Ayushman Diagnostic and Imaging Centre.

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